Each of our intervention training target plate was burned progressive method machining and plasma cutting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Material: Haened steel 500 Annex 1, Armox 500 (on request) Annex 2
Material thickness: Hand guns Rifles 6-8 mm 8 -10 mm
Dimensions: The dimensions are designed according to the current rules for practical shooting - IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) and International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA). The dimensions can be adapt according customers request.
The dimensions are designed according to the current rules for practical shooting - IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation)
Surface treatment: all PATIP targets are painted with ground color in combination black, white and blue. The target color or surface treatment can be adapting according customer’s request.
Durability: for hand guns lifelong use. Durability by rifle is depend of used calibre.
Účinky striel na platňu z kalenej ocele:

Účinky strieľ na bežnú konštrukčnú oceľ:

- Universal and multiple use
- Can be used at all times and in all weather conditions.
- We offer unique target mechanisms with automatic reset or exposure to affected areas after each intervention.
- Fragments of bullets can be captured by traps.
- Simple operation, maintenance and transportation.
- Highly resistant hardened steel with a hardness of 500 Brinell is used.
- After the intervention of the target plate by a bullet, the bullet forward
substantially all of its kinetic energy to the target and own plastic deformation.
Only the minimum residual energy is used to repel bullets from the target plate.
To ensure managed trajectory of bullet reflection our targets are inclined at an
angle so that the trajectory of the bullets went to the ground and thus prevent
damage to the target and injury to the shooter. By controlling the trajectory of the
bullet extends the life of our targets and the safety of their use. But everything,
including our metal target can be damaged, especially by misuse. These adverse
effects are minimized by using high quality materials and PATIP design itself. - We offer a wide range of products that can be combined with each other very well.
- Our targets are designed for interventions by calibers from all short and long
firearms except .50 BMG and armor-piercing shots.