Disassemble the weapon and remove layers of Vaseline, carbon and dirt. Apply GPE3 to internal and external surfaces, including the barrel and all mechanisms (only a very thin layer is sufficient, which penetrates into the surface molecular bonds of the material). to specified sites only after surface treatment with pure GPE3. We do not recommend the use of Vaseline in the conclusions of Mauser’s construction and the like, where, as a rule, grease in the cold prevents reliable operation. GPE3 will fully replace fat in hunting, sports and service weapons. We recommend consulting with us about specific conditions. This work is optimal and most economical to perform about 24 hours before using the weapon. The use of synthetic (non-absorbent) fabrics is suitable. During this time, the weapon can be both folded (the operation of the GPE3 surface layer on contact with components is not disturbed) and unfolded. The weapon treated in this way can be used without wiping the mechanisms and the barrel (the weapon treated with MGE3 does not need deconservation). After shots and warming up the weapon, it is necessary to wipe the GPE3 from the weapon, the effectiveness of the GPE3 will not be lost. We recommend that you check the weapon – by shooting. To protect the weapon during long-term storage, apply a thin layer of GPE3 on all internal and external metal surfaces, including the barrel and its mechanisms only after its thorough cleaning. A very thin layer is sufficient. Before firing, we recommend wiping the weapon dry, while the lubricating effect of GPE3 is not lost. Wipe the weapon after firing (which is much easier after the previous GPE3 treatment, as dirt and carbon do not settle on the MGE3 – the weapon does not corrode) and reapply a thin layer of GPE3.